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Simple Pay-Per-Call Pricing

We keep it straightforward with flat pay-per-call pricing. You get scheduled discovery calls with engaged prospects, tailored to your practice. Grow to 50+ clients and $250K+ annual revenue quickly!

  • Checkmark
    5 call minimum, no long-term commitment
  • Checkmark
    $500 one-time setup fee
  • Checkmark
    100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Checkmark
    Prospect brief included with every call
  • Checkmark
    Expected 20% conversion rate from call to client

$250/ call

Scheduled discovery call with a vetted prospect.

Get Started Today

Is BookedKeeper Worth It?

See how much you could earn from one new client compared to our service cost.

Setup & Onboarding
Clean-Up & Catch-Up
per month, overmonths
per month, overmonths
Advisory Services
per month, overmonths
per month, overmonths
per month, overmonths
Other Services
per month, overmonths
Income Tax Returns
per year, overyears
BookedKeeper Cost
average spend to gain a client
Return on Investment

*Default values based on: 25% call-to-client conversion rate, typical client value, and average retention period of 36 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a satisfaction guarantee?

Yes, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied for any reason, we provide a full refund within your first 45 days or up to your first 5 completed discovery calls, whichever comes first. No questions asked. We also replace any no-shows at no extra cost.

What's included in your setup fee and why is it necessary?

The setup fee covers the creation of a custom landing page, outreach capacity setup, and a strategy consultation where we review your discovery call process, pricing strategy, and offer insights to optimize your practice.

How interested are these prospects in my bookkeeping services?

Our prospects are highly motivated and ready to engage. They've been pre-qualified through an initial conversation, ensuring they're warm leads actively seeking solutions. These aren't price shoppers – they're businesses looking for expert help. Each prospect is matched to your practice, with no lead sharing or bidding wars. This means you're connecting with prospects who are genuinely interested in the specific services you offer. We offer a detailed brief for every prospect to help you convert them into clients.

What's the typical conversion rate for these discovery calls?

We see an average discovery call-to-client conversion rate of 25%. This means for every 4 calls, you're likely to gain 1 new client. In practical terms, you'd invest about $1,000 in calls to acquire a typical client that generates roughly $20,000 in total revenue. Keep in mind that individual results may vary based on your specific services and approach.

Can you help me with discovery calls and setting my rates?

We offer a training session to set you up for success. This consultation covers essential skills like conducting effective discovery calls, determining customer needs, and showcasing your expertise. We'll also guide you through pricing strategies and show you how to create compelling, customized proposals.

Why should I use BookedKeeper instead of doing my own marketing?

Without BookedKeeper, you'd spend hours daily on outreach, doing hundreds of calls and emails just to get one positive response. Considering a typical 1% response rate, you'd need to send at least 500 emails (likely more) to acquire a single client. That's an enormous investment of time and effort that could be spent serving your clients. With BookedKeeper, you can bypass this time-consuming process and reach 50+ clients and $250K+ in annual revenue within 12 months instead of 3 to 5 years.

Interested? Let's talk

Find out how we can help you build your practice. Reach out for a no-obligation, personalized consultation today.

  • Checkmark
    Get pre-qualified clients
  • Checkmark
    Save time
  • Checkmark
    Scale with confidence